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ACEC Alabama: 2019 Outlook

There have been a lot of exciting things happening for the American Council of Engineering Companies from a National and State perspective. It is an honor to serve as President for ACEC Alabama for the 2018/2019 fiscal year. It’s hard to believe that my term is halfway through. We have an extremely hard working Board made up…
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Travel Demand Models Help Predict Travel Patterns

Travel Demand Forecasting involves the use of a variety of models to duplicate Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Mode Choice (e.g. car, transit, bicycle, etc.), and Highway/Transit assignment in a metropolitan region. The models are coded using a program language that is typically executed using Cube or TransCAD software. The primary inputs into the model are…
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A Trip to Cape Town, South Africa

I visited Cape Town this past Thanksgiving for the first time to visit my two uncles and their families. I couldn’t wait to hear their stories about my grandfather, and their personal stories of being engineers in South Africa. They faced many obstacles during Apartheid to get their engineering degrees, and in starting their own…
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Employee Spotlight: Jeremy Greer

Jeremy Greer recently returned to Sain Associates where he began his traffic engineering career in 2004. He is a registered Professional Engineer and serves as an Assistant Project Manager, meaning his days consist of keeping assigned projects within budget and on schedule for completion, submission, and approval. Jeremy loves the team atmosphere at Sain, “Having the…
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Recap of 2018 and Looking Forward to 2019

2018 was a very good year for Sain Associates on many fronts. If we used a baseball analogy, we hit some singles and some doubles during the year and a home run at the end of the year. It always feels great to finish well and it sets us up to be successful in 2019….
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