CE&I stands for Construction Engineering and Inspection. For CE&I services, Sain assembles a team comprised of a project manager, professional civil engineer, and field inspectors to represent the owner of the project during construction. The project manager serves as the liaison between the owner, contractor, and any involved agencies or parties. The professional civil engineer provides decisions and alternate design(s) if deviations from the original plans are required during construction.
The inspectors are on-site daily to monitor and document the contractor’s construction operations. This includes testing, inspecting, and completing documents to assure the quality of the workmanship and materials. Quantities are measured and documented for monthly pay applications. The quantity over-runs/under-runs and the number of working days are tracked on a monthly basis as well. For projects with federal money, additional documents are generally required which are prepared by the CE&I team.
Why do owners need representation in the field during construction?
Owners need representation in the field to ensure the project is being constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The level of representation can vary from monthly or weekly observations to daily on-site inspections. The level of representation is generally determined based on communication with the project owner to provide what is needed to fulfill their needs and the requirements of the project funding and contractor’s contract.
What types of projects and clients does Sain provide CE&I?
Sain can provide CE&I on any type of roadway project – resurfacing, widening, bridges, signals, drainage, and sidewalks. Sain has provided CE&I to multiple municipalities and ALDOT on a variety of different projects including capacity improvements, new location roadways, subdivisions, bridge installations/replacements, and paving projects. Some of the unique challenges on projects that Sain’s CE&I team have been involved with include full depth reclamation, cement treated bases, rock buttresses, and meeting ADA requirements on sidewalks in hilly terrains.
What certifications do Sain’s inspectors have?
Sain’s inspectors hold the following certifications:
- ALDOT Roadway HMA Pavement Technician
- American Concrete Institute (ACI) Field Tech
- Hazardous Material
- Radiation Safety Technician
- Nuclear Gauge Safety
- Traffic Control training
- Qualified Credentialed Inspector (QCI) Stormwater training
- First Aid/CPR