Did You Know

Industry Disruptors: Digitization to Modern AI

Recently, we found a 1995 Engineering Times article in our archive with a note from Sain’s founder to distribute the article amongst the staff. The article, “No Easy Answers for Sealing Partial Plans” by Molly Galvin, provided timely insight into using an engineer’s seal during the rising usage of digital CADD files. The article urged…
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Transportation Funding 101

Formula and grant funding play a crucial role in the civil engineering industry, allowing for the development of innovative projects that improve infrastructure and support sustainable growth. Without these public funding sources, many engineering projects would not be possible. While infrastructure funding has typically been legislated on a formula basis, in recent years, we have…
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DYK? IMSA Certifications

Did you know that the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) is one of the oldest associations for public safety systems? A group of municipal signal employees formed IMSA in 1896 as the “International Association of Fire and Police Telegraph Superintendents.” The initial goal of IMSA has stayed the same over the years: to help its members…
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Roadway Design is More Than What Meets the Eye

I recently had the opportunity to talk about my job as an Infrastructure Designer with a young member of my church. They had a lot of questions about the roadway design process, such as “do you guys just put dirt down and call it a day?” The simple answer is this: roadway design is a…
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The Benefits of Microtransit

Microtransit is a flexible transit service that bridges the gap between individual private transportation and public mass transit. It is a demand-response service that uses existing buses, paratransit vehicles, passenger vans, and cutaways enabled by various mobile technologies. Rides are scheduled through a smartphone app, traditional phone, or website. The goal of microtransit is to…
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Did You Know: Detention and Retention Ponds

As cities grow and land development expands, properly diverting water becomes crucial. Cities typically require the developer not to increase the amount of water discharging from the site after construction is complete. To control excess water after a storm, detention or retention ponds are used to prevent flooding, erosion, and runoff. As civil engineers and…
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Did you know? Surveying Basics

One of the best ways to describe surveyors is to say that we are the eyes and ears of property owners. Many property owners, public or private, are not always familiar with the land they are trying to develop or improve. By doing a survey, we can show and note on a survey any easement,…
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A Snapshot of Women “Inventors & Innovators”

On Thursday, June 23rd, Sain will celebrate International Women in Engineering Day (INWED). Created in 2014 by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES), INWED is a global campaign dedicated to promoting the education and employment of women in the engineering industry. Following this year’s celebratory theme, “Inventors & Innovators,” we are highlighting a few outstanding women…
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Financial Advice from an Accounting Guy

As Sain’s Chief Financial Officer, and with almost 30 years of experience in the accounting field, I’ve become the go-to guy on financial issues. Over the years, I’ve seen a lot when it comes to accounting and know that it’s a huge topic to tackle. As National Small Business Month comes to a close, below…
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