2024 Spirit of Lauren Award

Every October, Sain Associates honors the memory of Lauren Nickles, a beloved coworker who passed away in 2017, by presenting the Spirit of Lauren Award. Lauren embodied qualities like hospitality, kindness, dedication, and persistence during her time with us. Each year, we gather to celebrate the values Lauren taught us by recognizing an employee who exemplifies those same qualities today. This year, we were blessed to have Lauren’s mother, aunt, and children with us at our annual breakfast.

The 2024 Spirit of Lauren Award was presented to Nathan Currie, P.E., who leads Sain’s Infrastructure Team. Nathan, an Associate Owner, has been with Sain for eight years—fittingly, this is also the eighth anniversary of the award.

In all the time I’ve known Nathan, I’ve never seen him have a bad day. Like Lauren, he has faced personal challenges, including navigating adoption processes and family illnesses, yet he always brings a positive outlook to the office. His influence on the next generation of engineers is clear through his mentorship of young professionals, and those who work closely with him reflect his high values and excellent work ethic.

Below are some of the things that Nathan’s coworkers shared about him:

“He consistently shows hospitality and kindness to others by taking a genuine interest in the lives of those around him.”

“He’s often one of the last people to leave the office, and he is committed to meet client expectations.”

“Regardless of external circumstances, Nathan maintains a positive attitude, refusing to be discouraged in any scenario.”

The Spirit of Lauren Award provides the recipient with a $500 gift card and a $500 contribution to an engineering or healthcare charity of their choice. Nathan has selected EMI for his charitable donation.

Congratulations, Nathan!