Surveying Devices

A Day in the Life of a Land Surveyor

A typical day for a land surveyor often begins as soon as the sun rises. In this blog, our Survey Team will take you through a typical workday, shedding light on the often-underappreciated work that goes into making our cities and infrastructure a reality. Before most of Sain’s staff arrives at the office, our team…
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Mapping What We Cannot See with Hydrographic Surveys

The Standards of Practice for Surveying in the State of Alabama defines a hydrographic survey as the determination of data relating to bodies of water, including depth of water and configuration of the bottom, directions and force of current, and location of fixed objects for survey and navigation purposes. Most hydrographic work is used to…
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History of Technologies in Survey

The practice of surveying dates back to 3000 BC when the Egyptians had to re-establish farmland boundaries after the flooding of the Nile. Land surveying methods were also used in the construction of the Great Giza Pyramid. Today, land surveying is a sophisticated scientific technique that uses technology to measure and determine points on the…
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Working Together to Improve Large Project Ticket Requests

Sain Associates was recently featured in the Alabama 811 Magazine. Alabama 811 is the one call notification center for Alabama. They process notification of proposed excavation activities and notify member underground facility owners to mark their facilities prior to the excavation activities to reduce potential damages. For more information on Alabama 811, visit Alicia…
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