Sain Engineers

50 Years of Problem-Solving

Sain’s 50th anniversary includes all the qualities of a great American success story – vision, hard work, and collaboration. Charles “Hack” Sain, PE, founded our firm with the vision to transform the relationship between engineers and property developers into one of mutual respect, where the engineer provides leadership and problem-solving on behalf of the client. Mr….
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Holt initiated into Order of the Engineer

Richard Holt, P.E., manager of our Pulaski, Tennessee office, is an initiated member of the Order of the Engineer.  This is a prestigious organization that fosters a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession. The organization also bridges the gap between training and experience and presents a visible symbol identifying the engineer to…
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Roundabouts in Engineering

In honor of National Roundabout Week, we’re sharing a throwback blog from 2016! A few years have passed since it was last published, but one thing remains the same – roundabouts are a proven safety countermeasure because they can substantially reduce crashes that result in serious injury or death. Roundabouts can improve safety, promote lower…
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Professional Engineers Day

Sain Associates joins Professional Engineers from around the world in celebrating Professional Engineers Day on August 4th. On this sixth annual Professional Engineers Day, we want to raise awareness about what it means to be a Professional Engineer and show appreciation for the work they do each day. To be a Professional Engineer means that…
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Sain’s Newest Shareholder: Nathan Currie, P.E.

Earlier this month, we announced the formation of a company ownership program designed to expand company ownership opportunities to three key levels: associate, principal, and senior principal. With the new program, Sain added three new associates – Nathan Currie, P.E., Paul Gilliam, P.E., PTOE, and Jeff Stephenson, P.E., PTOE. We spotlighted Jeff Stephenson a couple…
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Recap of 2020 and Looking Forward to 2021

A whirlwind of uncertainty landed on us in 2020, and we quickly learned how to adapt and be flexible. Although 2020 included a lot of the unknown, our team encountered several milestones throughout the year.  The most important highlight was adding a full-service branch office in Huntsville, Alabama. During 2020, our team attended award events…
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Did You Know Sain Now Does Airports?

With the addition of Harry Wilson, P.E., Brett Wiseman, P.E., and Gary Pitzing, PLS, Sain Associates now offers design, planning, and surveying services at airports. These three employees have approximately 60 years of combined airport experience. They have worked with the Alabama Department of Transportation Aeronautics Bureau and the FAA Airports District Office in Jackson, Mississippi, assisting…
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CE&I for Bridge Construction

Sain provides Construction Engineering & Inspection (CE&I) services for roadway projects, including bridges, resurfacing, widening, signals, drainage, and sidewalks. Over the last several years, Sain has helped cities with their CE&I duties as they hire contractors to build new bridges.  Our CE&I staff is experienced with bridge inspections and construction administration, having worked on over…
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The New Rush Hour – Traffic Patterns

COVID-19 has significantly impacted daily life around the world. Many people are teleworking, schools are adopting distance learning in greater numbers, and more entertainment and retail activity are occurring online than ever before. These lifestyle adjustments have led to travel behavioral changes that allow planners to reclaim underutilized roadway lanes for other purposes, such as…
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Engineers’ Day on the Hill

ACEC Tennessee is a member organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), a national federation whose mission is to strengthen the business environment for its member firms through government advocacy, political action, and business education. ACEC Tennessee is comprised of more than 110 engineering companies with chapters in East Tennessee, Chattanooga, Nashville, and…
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