Sain Associates

The RPCGB’s APPLE Program

For this week’s blog, we asked Mike “Kaz” Kaczorowski, the Principal Planner of Transportation for the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham (RPCGB), to dive into their APPLE program and its success story. Under his leadership, the program has made significant strides in supporting local governments and improving infrastructure across the Greater Birmingham region. APPLE,…
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New Regulations Under the MUTCD

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, also known as the MUTCD, is the national standard for traffic control devices on all streets, highways, and other public roads. The MUTCD provides the purpose and application of traffic control devices such as signs, roadway striping, and traffic signals. In December of 2023, the Federal Highway Administration…
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Understanding Driveway Cracking

Driveways are often plagued by a common nemesis: cracks. But fear not, understanding the cause is the first step to keeping them at bay. It’s not a matter of if your driveway will crack, but when. Not all cracks are the same, so understanding what causes cracking to occur can help prevent the deterioration of…
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Designs For Hope

For this week’s blog, Sain asked Chris Bond, the Executive Director of Designs For Hope, to share his story and the importance of using our talents to serve others. There’s an old saying that necessity is the mother of invention. This was definitely the case during major wars. During WWII, ‘synthetic’ rubber was invented due…
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ACEC National Recognition Award: Will Buechner Parkway

We are thrilled to announce that Sain Associates has been honored with a National Recognition Award and an Engineering Excellence Award (EEA) from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Alabama for exceptional work on the Will Buechner Parkway project. Named in memory of Auburn police officer Will Buechner, who tragically lost his life…
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Elevating Airport Infrastructure

The world of aviation is constantly changing and improving for the better. We also know that efficiency and safety are the most important aspects when designing new infrastructure around airports. This is why Sain offers comprehensive airport infrastructure and facilities upgrade engineering and design services. We have experience in a wide variety of services from…
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Celebrating Vann Rutledge’s 20th Sain Anniversary

This month marks a significant milestone for us at Sain Associates as we celebrate our Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Vann Rutledge’s, 20th anniversary. With more than 28 years of experience in accounting, Vann not only manages our corporate finances and works closely with external clients but also is the Corporate Secretary for Sain and serves…
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National Work Zone Awareness Week: 25 Years of Safety

As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW), it’s crucial to reflect on the origins and impact of this important safety campaign. Initiated by a group of dedicated Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) staff members in 1997, NWZAW aimed to raise awareness about the critical importance of safety in work…
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A Local Market Guide to Sain’s Offices

Welcome to the vibrant communities that Sain Associates calls home! Whether you’re a client planning a business trip or just curious about the towns where Sain has offices, we’ve compiled a comprehensive local market guide to help you make the most of your visit. From the historic local charm of Pulaski, Tennessee, to the bustling…
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50 Years of Fun

Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something. -Winnie the Pooh The great scholar, Winnie the Pooh, knew a thing or two about what we need to be fulfilled each day. At Sain, we improve road safety, are a part of bringing a new industry to a city, and positively impact our communities….
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