Sain Associates Family

50 Years of Fun

Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something. -Winnie the Pooh The great scholar, Winnie the Pooh, knew a thing or two about what we need to be fulfilled each day. At Sain, we improve road safety, are a part of bringing a new industry to a city, and positively impact our communities….
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Being Present with Employees during Good Times and Bad

While some companies and bosses may take a more hands-off approach to being part of their employees’ lives, that’s not our philosophy at Sain Associates. Whether it’s joyful events, such as weddings or the birth of a child, or those full of sorrow, like a death in the family or illness, we truly care about…
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50 Years of Diversification

I joined Sain 29 years ago to fulfill Hack’s vision of diversifying the company with traffic engineering services. At the time, Sain was primarily working on private sector work, including Wal-Mart projects in the Eastern United States and large shopping malls. After joining the team in 1993, I was tasked with leading a traffic engineering…
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2021 Recap and Looking Forward to 2022

2021 was an outstanding year, and I’m grateful for our excellent clients and great staff. The most exciting highlight of the year included our announcement of Sain’s new company ownership program and the addition of three new associates – Nathan Currie, Paul Gilliam, and Jeff Stephenson.  It was an award-winning year at Sain. Awards included:  Other highlights…
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Alicia Bailey’s 20th Anniversary

We are excited to recognize a huge career milestone in just a few short days – Alicia Bailey, PE, Practice Leader / Sr. Principal, is celebrating her 20th anniversary with Sain Associates. Alicia wears many hats at our company, leading our Infrastructure and Survey teams and serving as a member of our Executive Committee. We appreciate…
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Sain’s Rocking Around TopGolf

Can you feel it? The hum of excitement in the air? The anticipation of parties and dinners with family and friends? It’s Christmas time, and it’s the most wonderful time of the year! Last Friday, our team members and their families gathered at Topgolf in Birmingham to celebrate the holiday season. Everyone enjoyed a delicious…
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Tribute to Preston Huddleston

Preston Huddleston passed away two days after his 86th birthday on Sunday, October 3rd. He graduated from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He served in the United States Navy and had a distinguished professional career, working at Alabama Power Company, Birmingham Metropolitan Development Board (MDB), and most recently for seven years…
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2021 Spirit of Lauren Award

On October 7, our Sain family gathered for the Spirit of Lauren Award, an annual award given in memory of Lauren Nickles, our beloved friend and coworker. We celebrated with a company-wide, old-fashioned breakfast, which was one of Lauren’s favorite things. We were excited to have Lauren’s mother, aunt, and children present with us to…
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Sain is the place to be!

This past May, I celebrated my fourth “Sainiversary” in working a full-time position at Sain Associates. My Sain journey began with an internship in 2016 where I worked with our Infrastructure, Site, and Traffic teams. Little did I know, I would become a member of the Site team just one short year later.  In the…
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