Road Safety

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency on US-31

In 2021, Sain Associates undertook a comprehensive operations and safety analysis along a 7.7-mile stretch of US-31, spanning from South Colonial Parkway in Alabaster to Amphitheater Road in Pelham. This study included 19 signalized intersections as well as 69 unsignalized intersections. We reviewed roadway geometry, traffic control equipment, crash trends, planned developments in the area,…
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National Work Zone Awareness Week: 25 Years of Safety

As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW), it’s crucial to reflect on the origins and impact of this important safety campaign. Initiated by a group of dedicated Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) staff members in 1997, NWZAW aimed to raise awareness about the critical importance of safety in work…
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Why is it Important to Proactively Prevent Wrong-Way Driving?

In 2022, the United States Department of Transportation adopted a Safe System Approach as the guiding paradigm to address roadway safety. It recognizes that people make mistakes, and the road system should be designed to forgive those mistakes. This is especially true for wrong-way driving prevention – we must do something before people drive the…
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Strategic Crash Mitigation – A Low-Cost Approach

A few weeks ago, I was traveling out of state to meet my newborn niece for the first time. My wife and I encountered many rural roadways that needed some TLC along the way. To my wife’s amusement, my engineer’s brain could not stop noticing all the deficiencies of the roadways. Abrupt curves with no…
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Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning 101

Who doesn’t love to ride a bike or walk around their city? Have you ever thought about the planning that goes into making a street bicycle- or pedestrian-friendly? Historically, roads have been designed to get vehicles from point A to point B as quickly as possible, without a lot of regard for other road users…
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Rural Road Safety Awareness Week

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has dedicated the week of July 18 – July 22 to raise awareness for Rural Road Safety. The theme of the week is Taking Action, Saving Lives. I recently attended the retirement party for Alan Wolfe, TDOT Region 2 (Chattanooga) Traffic Engineer, who became a good friend over the years….
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When 3 is Better than 4

If you’re like me, when you hear the word “diet,” your first reaction isn’t the thought…sign me up! However, in transportation, it may often be an easy solution that provides a favorable outcome for all involved. A “Road Diet” is essentially a reallocation of space on an existing roadway to better meet the needs of…
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The Ins and Outs of Traffic Calming

Cut-through traffic and speeding issues on local roadways are two of the more common complaints that city engineers and public works employees receive from concerned citizens. Traffic engineers have developed a variety of strategies to help mitigate these issues. These strategies are known as traffic calming. Per the Federal Highway Administration and Institute of Transportation Engineers: “traffic calming…
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Distracted Driving is Dangerous Business

You and your family are driving to Grandma’s for Easter weekend. You’re at the wheel and get a call from a relative asking about your arrival. You answer what should be a quick question but then get caught up in the conversation that lasts for several minutes. While this might seem like an innocent situation,…
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