Girl Day

Supporting Women in AEC

Engineering has long been considered a male-dominated field, but efforts are underway to break down barriers and encourage more women to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Despite progress in recent years, a significant gender gap persists. This blog explores the current state of women in engineering, discusses the challenges they face…
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Girl Day – Creating the Future

Sunday marked the beginning of Engineers Week – a time to celebrate how engineers make a difference in the world. Engineers Week is sponsored by DiscoverE, a group dedicated to increasing K-12 and public understanding of engineering careers. Sain was excited to share our passion for engineering by sponsoring and participating in Introduce a Girl…
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Showing Some Love for Engineering

This week is Engineers Week, a national recognition of the contribution of engineering professions sponsored by DiscoverE, a group dedicated to increasing K-12 and public understanding of engineering careers. “E-week” serves as a time to celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world, increase public dialogue about the need for engineers, and bring engineering…
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Girl Day 2020 – Hosted by SWE

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, also known as Girl Day, is a national event promoted by DiscoverE as part of their Engineering Week initiative. The purpose of the event is to introduce girls to local female leaders, help develop their understanding of engineering, and inspire girls to pursue engineering or technical occupations. This year, the Society…
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