Distracted Driving

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Every year, thousands of lives are lost, and countless injuries occur due to distracted driving.  April has been designated as Distracted Driving Awareness Month to call attention to the upward trend of distracted driving in the U.S. This annual campaign aims to educate drivers about distractions and promote safer behaviors behind the wheel. According to…
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Distracted Driving is Dangerous Business

You and your family are driving to Grandma’s for Easter weekend. You’re at the wheel and get a call from a relative asking about your arrival. You answer what should be a quick question but then get caught up in the conversation that lasts for several minutes. While this might seem like an innocent situation,…
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Roadway Safety: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic – Part 1 of 2

For several months, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended everyday routines and greatly impacted our health and economy. Typically, as economic activity declines, travel decreases, and the risk of being involved in a road collision also decreases. However, recent data from the National Safety Council (NSC) shows otherwise – emptier but riskier roads. Preliminary estimates from…
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Tennessee Led the Nation in a Bad Way

According to the “Hands Free Tennessee” campaign, there were 24,600 crashes involving a distracted driver in Tennessee in 2018. A recent study also revealed that from 2015 to 2017, Tennessee had the highest rate of distracted driving deaths in the nation, at 7.2 distracted driving deaths per 10 billion vehicle miles. Tennessee’s rate is nearly five times higher than the national…
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