CLIENT: Shelby County

Sain Associates was contracted by Shelby County to develop a policy document to guide considerations regarding bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. The document included a master plan for all State- or County-maintained roads within Shelby County and guidance for implementation of recommendations. The project’s goals were to create a plan for the County that guides decision-making for bicycle and pedestrian projects, contains realistic and implementable accommodations, and provides alternative transportation options for connectivity to destinations.
The project team performed a bicycle and pedestrian level of service analysis using methodology from the Highway Capacity Manual (6th Edition), which included identifying locations where demand was highest and lowest for bicycling and walking. The study area consisted of 650 miles of centerline roadway, which required clear methodology and efficiency in analysis to accommodate a large study area. Identifying the destination for these modes of travel was key to forming the master plan. The master plan consisted of recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations on roadways throughout the County.
Additionally, the project team collaborated with an Advisory Committee and public users to receive input on the plan. Sain compiled all the project information and recommendations into a final report. The report included recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian improvements on projects already programmed in the local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Long Range Transportation Plan (LTRP).
The final report included realistic and implementable accommodations and provided alternative transportation options for connectivity to destinations.