Mountain Brook, AL
CLIENT: City of Mountain Brook
GRANT FUNDING: Transportation Alternative Program (TAP)

In 2017, Sain prepared the Mountain Brook Sidewalk Master Plan under the Regional Planning Commission’s APPLE program. The City desired to have a master plan to use for planning additions to their already robust sidewalk system. The plan identified routes for new sidewalks based on connectivity to existing sidewalks and destinations, including the City’s parks, trails, schools, churches, and commercial areas. Sain performed the following to prepare the master plan:
- Identified where sidewalks are needed or desired
- Evaluated their constructability
- Determined an opinion of probable cost
- Conducted public outreach for input
- Prioritized the installation of potential sidewalk segments
- Identified construction phasing
- Identified available funding for sidewalk installation
Since the master plan was completed in 2017, the City of Mountain Brook has utilized the master plan to submit and receive awards for three Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grants. The three awarded projects are Dunbarton Drive, Hagood Street, and Montclair Road. The three sidewalk routes will connect with existing sidewalks and link residential and commercial areas, even providing connectivity to the adjoining City of Birmingham. In addition to the TAP projects, the City also received funding through the MPO for the sidewalk along Pine Ridge Road. The City is also self-funding several sections of sidewalks throughout the City.
Mountain Brook continues to utilize the Master Plan for budgeting and citizen outreach regarding future sidewalks.