Local Roads Safety Initiative (LRSI)

Wayne and Houston Counties, Tennessee

TRAFFIC COUNTS: Marr Traffic, Inc.

Sain Associates was contracted to implement low-cost safety measures, such as signing, striping, and guardrails, along locally-maintained roads in Tennessee. The goal of the Local Roads Safety Initiative (LRSI) is to reduce crashes along these roads. TDOT created the LRSI program to assist counties throughout Tennessee with road safety improvements.

LRSI sites are selected through a data-driven process. The program aims to address safety performance issues on locally maintained roads (non-interstate and non-state routes) outside of any urban Metropolitan Planning Organization’s boundary. For inclusion in the LRSI program, a site must meet the following criteria: a minimum of five crashes during a three-year period, with a least one of the crashes classified as a severe crash (incapacitating injury or fatal). Additionally, the location’s calculated severe crash rate must equal or excel the statewide average severe crash rate for similar facilities.

The average length of this program is six months, which includes multiple routes under one work order. Sain Associates was assigned multiple routes in both Wayne County and Houston County, Tennessee, with an overall budget of $250,000. To distribute these funds, routes were prioritized by Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and the route’s crash history.

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