Alabama (Statewide)
CO-AUTHOR: Skipper Consulting

Sain Associates was part of a multi-agency development and writing team for the Alabama Department of Transportation’s (ALDOT) first Access Management Manual, which was published in 2014. It has since been used by ALDOT staff as a basis for approving or denying access permits and providing guidance on median spacing, access spacing, signal spacing, and Traffic Impact Study requirements.
In 2020, Sain was contracted along with Skipper Consulting to update the manual. We started our project by conducting interviews with ALDOT staff across the state to get their feedback on the current manual. ALDOT selected a steering committee with expertise in safety, design, pre-construction, maintenance, legal, and right-of-way to help guide the updates. We also performed a state of the practice review that included other state DOT’s access management guidelines and the Transportation Research Board’s Access Management Manual and Access Management Application Guidelines.
In 2022 the updated manual was published, and Sain led training sessions on the new updates, first for ALDOT personnel and then for engineers and planners statewide.