Leveraging Vissim Modeling

Vissim modeling allows individuals to map various intelligent traffic management systems to stabilize traffic flow and increase traffic safety. Vissim is a microsimulation tool that models individual vehicles in the traffic stream, considering the actions of virtual drivers in response to other vehicles, the road network, and various traffic controls.

Sain Associates built a Vissim model for a proposed roundabout at the intersection of State Route 27 and Shellfield Road in Enterprise, Alabama. Our client, CDG Engineers & Associates, had previously completed the traffic analysis and needed a visualization of the designed product. CDG provided the traffic volumes and design plans for the roundabout, and our team developed a 3D model to depict how the roundabout would function during peak hours. CDG would then use the simulation in public meetings to display how a proposed roundabout would function and ease fears about a new intersection configuration.

During the project, a Dollar General was under construction at the corner of the intersection that was not included in any aerial imagery. We added a 3D rendering to the Vissim model using an object from SketchUp’s 3D warehouse, which accurately depicted a future condition and gave a reference point for citizens attending the meeting or viewing the simulation.

Sain’s Vissim modeling services are scalable based on a project’s needs and available resources. We are proud of our work on the Shellfield Road Roundabout Visualization and look forward to offering our Vissim expertise on similar projects. If you are interested in Vissim modeling services, please contact our Traffic team.