Sunday marked the beginning of Engineers Week – a time to celebrate how engineers make a difference in the world. Engineers Week is sponsored by DiscoverE, a group dedicated to increasing K-12 and public understanding of engineering careers. Sain was excited to share our passion for engineering by sponsoring and participating in Introduce a Girl to Engineer Day.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, also known as Girl Day, is a worldwide campaign dedicated to helping unite, mobilize, and support the engineering and technology communities. Volunteers and educators come together to act as role models – facilitating engineering activities and showing girls how engineers change the world.
Sain Associates began hosting Girl Day at our office in 2015, and the event has expanded to include industry groups like the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and other organizations. This year’s event was held at the McWane Science Center in downtown Birmingham on February 15th. Over 200 students from local middle schools participated in STEM activities, connected with engineering professionals, and watched the documentary, Dream Big: Engineering Our World, at the IMAX theater.

We extend a special thank you to SWE for organizing the event along with other sponsoring organizations:
- Atlas Technical Consultants
- Birmingham CREW
- CE Associates
- Garver
- Hazen and Sawyer
- Jacobs
- McWane Science Center
- Neel-Schaffer
- Schneider Electric
- Sidney H. May
- Skipper Consulting
- Smith Seckman Reid
- Southern Power
- Southern Research
- UAB School of Engineering