Did you know there is an airport in Meridianville, Alabama? The Huntsville Executive Airport (HEA) is a little-known public airport in north Alabama. It is owned by the Madison County Executive Airport Authority and is Huntsville’s most convenient airport for private aviation.
HEA has several tenants that lease hangar space at the airport, including Yulista Aviation, an industry leader providing a wide range of rapid response support to the Department of Defense and other government agencies. Yulista Aviation is the largest tenant at the airport, with four sizeable military modification hangars. The airport recently added a large concrete apron and taxi lane to accommodate Yulista’s latest hangar.

I have been part of the design and implementation of many HEA projects over the last 20 years. In the 1990s, HEA had a 3,500-foot runway that accommodated smaller aircraft. In 2001, I worked on a project where we designed a new 5,000-foot-long and 100-foot-wide runway and parallel taxiway to accommodate larger aircraft. Later in 2013, I assisted in designing a 1,500-foot runway and taxiway extension, which included the relocation of part of Meridianville Bottom Road. So, as it stands today, the airport has a 6,500-foot-long runway that can accommodate some military aircraft.
I have enjoyed working on HEA projects during my career. Successful planning is essential for aviation, and Sain’s Huntsville team will continue to look for long-range planning solutions for HEA. We look forward to serving HEA on future projects.