One of my favorite things about working at Sain Associates is our commitment to community service. In the 20 years I’ve been with Sain, I’ve never been told “no” when I’ve asked to join a group, serve on a board, or even run for office. Not only have the leadership of Sain never discouraged me but I’ve been continuously encouraged and supported in my community endeavors.
The ultimate community service to me is to run for elected office, which I’ve now done twice. I ran for County Commissioner of Giles County, District 1 and was elected to a 4-year term in August of 2018, and I was reelected in August of this year. County Commission is a time commitment away from my Sain work. Through the generosity and flexibility of my supervisor and the ownership team, I can meet that commitment and even serve as the chairperson of the Budget Committee – a time-consuming role, for sure.
We pride ourselves on our family culture at Sain Associates, and one of my favorite ways that shows up every year is the commitment to the Trent Holt 5K, held in honor of Richard Holt’s son Trent who died in 2010. Several Sain employees have competed in or volunteered for the 5K, and many buy the t-shirt every year. Sain Associates is an annual sponsor. Richard’s family has committed to giving back to the Pulaski community through scholarships to high school students and donations to school football teams, school libraries, the local Boys and Girls Club, and The Pouring Spot, a local teen center.
As I’ve written before, I think civil engineers are hardwired to help our communities personally and through our careers. We’re problem solvers, and we like to help. Many Sain employees serve with their churches, civic organizations, non-profit boards, Chambers of Commerce, or planning organizations. Jim and Joe Meads have always led by example through their commitments to their communities and churches, and I will always appreciate their support and encouragement to give back.